Common pitfalls, challenges, and concerns with enterprise JAMStack

by Aaron R Miller, Co-Founder / CTO

When heading out on your own to sink or swim for the first time as a Highly Paid Consultant (HPC), it helps to be over-prepared with solutions to these common pitfalls, challenges, and concerns with JAMStack in the enterprise.

Continuous Integration & Deployment

  • CI/CD Pipelines
  • Containerized builders & runtime environments
  • Distributed secrets management
  • Code quality and coverage reporting

Continuous integration and deployment involve validating code changes, processing them into release artifacts (e.g., building the project(s)), and publishing those artifacts to a specified environment.

Typically, there are at least two implicit environments: development (local) and production (remote). Other standard options are preview, staging, or next. Project-wide configuration values are a product of the defaults and current environment.

Developer Tooling

  • Containerized application builders and runtimes
  • Portable developer environments (GitPod, Dev Container, etc.)
  • Automated linting & formatting
  • Task orchestration (Ant, Gradle, Nx, Jenkins, Make, etc.)

While it may sound unintuitive, tool quality and user preference are rarely the determining factor or a significant concern for large organizations. Consistency, reproducibility, automation, and interoperability with other tools are more important considerations.

In addition to detailed platform-specific documentation in the README, projects often include an entire development environment for easy setup and guaranteed reproducibility [3]. Both GitPod and Microsoft Dev Container bundle a copy of Theia IDE, a web-based VSCode clone intended for this purpose.

Domain Modeling

  • Schema definitions & data validation
  • Change management (versioning)
  • Transaction management (consistency)
  • Relational data vs. document stores
  • Automatic code generation

Design Systems

  • Shared design vocabulary between stakeholders
  • Design tokens are decisions codified as data

User Authentication & Authorization

  • User authentication providers (SSO, OAuth2, LDAP, etc.)
  • Role-based access protocols
  • Distributed identity management and access control

Content Management

  • Version control & revision management (branching, merging, release, etc)
  • Role-based access controls
  • Environment-based configuration

Reporting & Observability

  • Automated logging report retention
  • Usage of dead letter queues


  1. [2023]
  3. Well, as much as anything can be guaranteed

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